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Guided Meditations 

“You have a treasure within you that is infinitely greater than anything the world can offer” – Eckhart Tolle

This Advanced Guided Meditation is designed to trigger key activation codes within your cells and DNA for the deepest of healing, clearing, cleansing, purging and transmutation of negative energy, negative entity attachments, implants, cords, negative programming, blockages, deep trauma wounds and reversal currents within all of your energy bodies and lightbody that are blocking you from your true state of divine perfection, wholeness and peace.


During these times of Ascension our bodies are mutating and transforming from carbon based to Crystalline. We must assist in this process by purifying our vessels and transmuting all densification and miasma that blocks us from receiving the Solar Plasma Activation Codes of light and sound that is recoding, re-encrypting and recalibrating our elemental body and DNA back to our original divine blueprint.

This meditation was lovingly created with the intention to activate deep, painful memories held within your subconscious layers, cellular memory and womb space to be identified, cleared and alchemized. You may feel intense emotions arise within you and the activation of these deep rooted memories may feel extremely painful and even triggering. Please allow whatever emotions that come forth to arise without restriction or judgement. This is all part of the healing process.



In this Guided Meditation we will go on an intimate journey of deep spiritual healing, where you will meet face-to-face with a person whom you have been energetically, psychically and emotionally corded to who has been siphoning your life force energy and preventing you from moving forward on your life journey. We will be severing and cord cutting all psychic energy attachments and strands that are not serving your highest good, using the powerful energetic Etheric Sword! We invoke the incredible power of the Violet Ray of Transmutation and call upon the magical and potent energy of the Etheric Sword to cut, sever, clear, release and dissolve all cords, attachments and strands that are blocking you from true healing, freedom, liberation and peace.

*THE 12D MAHARATA CHRISTOS SHIELD IS ONE OF THE MOST ADVANCED AND POWERFUL SPIRITUAL TECHNIQUES ON THE PLANET AND MUST BE RESPECTED! The 12D Christos Maharata Shield was originally brought into our planetary consciousness through the medium of Lisa Renee, one of my beloved teachers who is a longtime steward of the Law of One teachings. Lisa has worked directly with Guardian Host in bringing back these sacred Emerald Order teachings back to humanity and is one of the most respected teachers of these sacred teachings on the planet. This incredibly powerful technique is used as a protective energy shield to strengthen and activate your lightbody and should be used each and every day for optimal results, and before working with any form of spiritual healing, energy work or modalities. The 12D shield is part of the human lightbody that connects to the inner Christos Avatar Matrix, and connects us to the 12D platinum ray current which is the white platinum light of the Christos Ray that encompasses the entire imprint of all 144 subharmonics from all 12 dimensions within our Universal Time Matrix.


We use this technique to connect to our original silicate matrix crystalline body which holds the codes of the eternal christ principle. The more we use this technique, the more we begin to strengthen all layers of our lightbody which consists of the 12 Tree Grid, Chakra Crystal Keys, Chakra Seeds, Axiatonal lines, Hara, Nadial Structure and our entire chakra system. The Maharata shield protects us from all negative outside influences, negative invaders, entities, direct targeting and interference that spans across our entire multidimensional anatomy and stations of identity. Using our 12D shield daily also starts activating our proper Merkaba spin, raises our personal frequency and light accretion and strengthens our open channel of communication directly with our Godhead and highest Avatar embodiment.



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